
Can Managers And Supervisors Stem The Tide Of Employee Burnout?

A study states that searches for symptoms of burnout are on the rise. What does that mean for managers and supervisors, and can they stop employees from flaming out on their watch?

Defamation By Reference Creates Serious Liability Exposure For Past Employers

A former employee and the employer settle claims, including those aimed at defamatory references. What is "defamation by reference" and what liability risks does it create?

The Many Values Of Applying Fair And Equal Discipline

An employer is sued for retaliation by an employee who blew the whistle on race bias in disciplinary matters. We examine and provide analysis.


Encrypted Applications, Communications, And Student Safety

A high school teacher is sentenced for child pornography. We review the facts and examine an app the perpetrator used to commit his crimes.

Should An Employer Mandate Vacation? You Make The Call

According to one survey, most U.S. workers want employers to mandate that employees take vacation days. What say you?

Sexual Abuse By Strangers In Public: How Can Child Safe Environments Address This??

A man is accused of groping a minor at a public bus stop. How can child safe environments address public molestation by strangers?

Child Safe Environment Training: The Framework For Preventing Child Sex Crimes?

We look at pastors accused of child sex crimes. Learn how to access CSE training at no cost for registered users of mycommunityworkplace

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