Should An Employer Mandate Vacation? You Make The Call

A survey conducted by Eagle Hill Consulting reveals 85 percent of U.S. workers think it would be beneficial for employers to mandate taking vacation days. The survey highlights several key points:

  • 45 percent of the U.S. workforce reports experiencing burnout, with younger workers (Gen Z at 54 percent and Millennials at 52 percent) and women (49 percent) reporting higher levels of burnout than men (41 percent).
  • Despite the desire for mandated vacation, 48 percent of workers do not expect to use all their allotted vacation days by the end of the year. More than one-third of Americans (36 percent) have not taken a vacation in the past 12 months.
  • When asked about their preferred paid time off policy, 37 percent of employees want unlimited vacation, 31 percent want a designated number of paid days off, and 27 percent prefer a combination of sick and vacation days.
  • Currently, 43 percent of workers have a designated number of paid days off, 32 percent have a combination of sick and vacation days, 10 percent have unlimited time off, and 14 percent have no paid time off.


So, the question for our readers is: Should Employers Mandate Vacation?

Here are opinions of some of the McCalmon editorial staff:

Jack McCalmon, Esq.

The survey begs a question - if employees want employers to mandate taking allotted vacation, why don't those employees simply take the vacation allotted to them? Why make an employer make employees take their vacation? I strongly believe employees should take vacation. I also believe in the freedom of choice on the matter.

Leslie Zieren, Esq.

Mandated vacation is useful, depending on the industry and job duties. A behavior of some embezzlers is that they never take time off, and they resist having any assistance from other coworkers, so financial employers, for example, will often mandate vacation time be taken so that they can audit the books and the employee's performance without the employee underfoot. A bank employee, who refuses to leave on vacation, is a big red flag.

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